Saturday 8 October 2011

The flying cobra

Woopdewoop, I achieved something today!

Yup, that's right, I'm going to give myself a little pat on the back.

Pat pat pat.

There we go, that was satisfying.

After contemplating the art of yoga throughout the week, I actually went to the class.

And, not only that, I quite enjoyed it.

It was Hatha Yoga, which is focused more on relaxation and distressing the mind. Perfect for  stressed out little Susie!

There were only about 8 people in the class as well, so I didn't have to whack anyone with my mat to get a place at the back. We were all very spaced out and serene.

I was also a big fan of all the relaxation bits, as it meant I could close my eyes and drift oft into dreamland. My quiet little happy place. I often go there when I'm feeling particularly down or anxious. I've created a beautiful beach in my mind, no-one else is around, its just me, and a few puffins, and crabs that I can sometimes find in the rock pools. Sounds a bit strange I know. But my mind really can magic up a piece of heaven, and this yoga malarkey just made it even easier to get there, bonus!

Some of the different positions made me smile too. I think I'll become a fan of the monkey and the flying cobra. Oh and not forgetting the downward dog too of course.

Maybe this all sounds a little daft. Most people go to exercise classes everyday, without any fuss or commotion. Although if you do go every day, I really do think you deserve a pat on the back too, that's dedication for you. But for me, just thinking about going to yoga was an achievement, and the fact that I've done it and I want to go again, is quite unbelievable really.

That's the thing about the black dog. He makes you think you're not capable of doing anything. That you will fail, and so its not even worth trying.

Well, up yours black dog, I did it!

Moooohahhaaha! (That's me laughing in the face of depression, just incase you thought I had turned into a cow...)


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