Saturday 20 April 2013

Ebb and flow

For the past two days I’ve had the image of waves impregnated into my brain.

The waves aren’t silent or still.

Nor are they crashing onto the shore.

Instead, they continuously ebb and flow in a steady rhythm.

Creeping forwards.

Flowing backwards.

An unbroken movement.

The waves belong to the infinite space of the sea.


It feels good to reflect on that image, to try and describe it.

I’ve been working on a canvas on and off recently, and it’s the image of the sea that seems to be reoccurring in that too.


The last two days have been a little surreal and disorientating, but also fun and really lovely.

I’ve tried to let the feelings associated with my birthday from the past few years just wash over me. I’ve done my very best to let go of stuff, and just go with the flow. Not something I’m very practised at doing….but it has felt good. I’ve been pushing the critical black dog to the back of my mind, trying not to let his bark get too loud!

Anywho, I must get up and do something productive. I’m still festering in my pyjamas, and I think the shower is calling…..


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