Monday 1 October 2018

2 years and counting

Its been over 2 years since I last wrote an entry.
And quite a lot has changed.
Firstly, I'm no longer Susie Burborough.
Susie Piggott is back.
But this is not the time nor the place to discuss these things. 
Suffice to say, I'm me again.
Secondly,  I'm zooming around with an actual career now, which is rather exciting.
And thirdly, I now live in a little flat in Bristol.

So why have I suddenly started writing again?

Well, even if no-one reads this, I need to get back to the things that help my wonky brain.

And writing was always one of those things.

Over the past year I have been in survival mode.

And I've survived.

But now is the time to think and reflect about my life and what it means to be 32, divorced, and living with depression. Because I'm not really sure.

And I don't expect to find all the answers through writing. I just know it helps.

I also think its important for anyone who used to read this to know that although on the outside I might look like I've got my shit together, I'm still living with depression.

Yes its no-where near as bad as it used to be, but its still a battle that I undertake on a daily basis. Not that I'm looking for sympathy or anything like that. Merely that if you're struggling too, I want to remind you to hold onto hope. Because sometimes, that's all we've got x