Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Once again the world has shifted.

Its tilted.


And I cant write this blog without mentioning why.

Last week a friend of mine passed away.

She was young. She was beautiful. She always made me laugh. She was Rach.

And now I have to say was.

When anybody passes away its always distressing, but when someone so young leaves this world, I just cant get my head around it. It was only last year that my school friend Luke also tragically passed away. 

I wasn't best friends with either Luke or Rach, but they both touched my life in ways that I cant really begin to explain.

Perhaps that's what I find so hard to comprehend,  that neither will ever know the positive impact they made on the lives of so many people.

 Yet all I can do is pray for her family, pray for those closest to her, and hold on to my belief that she is in a better place. Whilst remembering that she will forever live on in the hearts and memories of so many people...

The past few days I've been spending with my bestie pal Laura, which have been really special.

 But today every dark and depressing feeling and thought seems to have crept up on me. 

It seems that the only thing to keep the black dog away is to keep on making pom poms (in an ever so slightly obsessive way.) And continue to watch episodes of Greys Anatomy. (Much easier to find comfort in imaginary drama, than to face the thoughts in my own head.)

I keep on writing words and deleting them now. My head is rather mushed up and unsure what to say... But I like this song, the words seem to fit, so lets listen to this instead...



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